Street stories by Poligon

Series of illustrations "Street"
Type: illustration
Date: August 2023
Visual: Egor Polygon
Creation time: 2 months in a calm mode
Procreate + Lightroom
Серия иллюстаций на тему уличной культуры и жизни ее представитель. Граффити, модные шмотки, весеелье и стремление вырваться со дна - это все про них. Основывается на личных воспоминаниях и реальных историях


This is a series of illustrations on the theme of street culture and the life of its representatives. Graffiti, fashionable clothes, fun, and the desire to break out from the bottom - that's all about them. Based on personal memories and real stories.
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Street stories by Poligon